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Basic contributions-individuals

Bruno Costa (webdesign)

Eduardo Marianinho (photos and facts-BV C.Malta)

J.Miragaia Tomás (several photos sources)

José Levita (photos and facts-BV Ajuda)

José Neto (photos BV Campo de Ourique)

Lucas Novo (photos and facts-BV Lisbonenses)

Luís M. Baptista (images and documentary sources)

Mário Ribeiro (photos and facts-BV Beato e Olivais)

Mónica A. D. Almeida (BSB historical background, images and documentary sources)

Ricardo Gomes (photos and facts-BV Cabo Ruivo)

Víctor Neto (VFDs documentary sources)



Basic contributions-entities

MBL-Museu do Bombeiro de Lisboa (RSB/CML)

Museu privativo dos BV Lisbonenses

LBP-Liga dos Bombeiros Portugueses



Subject-oriented assistance

Clube Delahaye (through Jean-Paul Tissot)

Plastic Artist Hugo Lami



Third Party images displayed over internet

Blog Restos de Colecção (courtesy of José Leite): http://blogsportugal.com/

Blog Expresso do Oriente: http://expressoriente.blogspot.pt/

Blog Szerinting: http://blogsportugal.com/blogue/szerinting-blogspot-com

Web-site Fotold: http://fotold.com/carros-antigos

Portal Bombeiros.PT: http://www.bombeiros.pt/

Facebook dos BV de Lisboa: https://www.facebook.com/BVL2102/

Facebook Viaturas Antigas dos Bombeiros de Portugal-grupo público:



Museu Automóvel do Caramulo (post card)

Photo signed by Jorge Brás

Photo signed by Luís Elias



Third Party images in publications

Book Manual do Sapador Bombeiro-Parte I; ed. CM de Lisboa; 1943

Book Centenário (1868-968); ed. BV Lisboa; 1968

Book Cem Anos (1910-2010); Sousa, José F. et al; ed. BV Lisbonenses; 2010




Additional/complementarity sources on this platform’s scope

Book Do exercício do fogo; Almeida, M. A. D. (Coord); ed Museu do Bombeiro (RSB); 1997

Journal Revista Municipal (CM de Lisboa)

Journal Boletim da LBP-Liga dos Bombeiros Portugueses

Commercial Flyer for H. Vaultier

Newspapers (editions of the period) Diário de Notícias, O Século, República

Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo






All images displayed are: either owned by LIS50, kindly made available by the persons/bodies mentioned above or downloaded from internet (and duly credited to the Authors if these are known or as mentioned). Text content is original and reflects the best understanding of facts on every moment; quality of image is the best available, considering the sources. The use of materials herein by third parties is authorized provided that duly quoted and not used for commercial purposes.




Portuguese language used in this platform does not follow the new Orthographic Agreement




Última chamada

Last alarm

As a tribute to the 109 Portuguese Firefighters, paid and volunteer fallen in the line of duty between 1930-1979

© LIS50 | 2016  50 years of Lisbon’s motorized fire & rescue apparatus - 1930 through 1979 //  (an history-aimed, not-for-profit private initiative)


For the sake of preserving historical accuracy: all relevant institutional and individual contributions, aimed to improve or to add, on either factual data

or image content, are welcome - lis50.info@gmail.com